Where to Begin
I'm not even sure how to start this post, but I'd be crazy if I didn't announce that I have met, and exceeded, my fundraising goals for my year in Uganda! I have been amazed by the wonderful outpouring of love and gifts from my friends, family, and church. Both my local church, and those I know from other congregations have been so wonderfully used of God to meet all of my financial needs. Even random strangersBlessings I've Received
Good Health
The first non-financial blessing I want to celebrate is that I took the first dose of Malaria medication, which I will have to take weekly, and I had no side-effects! One of the possible side-effects is hallucinatory nightmares, and I was very nervous that I would not be able to sleep well. The Lord gave me wonderful, peaceful, restful sleep!
Power of Prayer
The second thing I am grateful for is the overwhelming prayers that are being said for me. I know that many people are praying for me. I have such a peaceful knowledge that my heavenly Father is taking care of me, guiding each step that I take. My preparations are going well, such as they are. All that really remains is to make a few last minute purchases, pack up all of the things that I have bought, and finish cleaning out my bedroom for my sister to move into.
Prayer Requests
My first request, of course, is for my family's peace in their time of getting used to me being away.
Secondly, please pray for his mercy to be shown in my travel. I have two red-eye flights, one next Saturday to London, and the next day, to Entebbe, Uganda. Pray that I make all of my connections, and that my mother's concerns end up groundless.
Thirdly, as I seek to learn the language of the children I will be working with, pray for my memory and my language skills to grow quickly.
Last, but not least, please pray for the work I will be doing and the people I will be joining on the field. I am so excited to work with this amazing group of people, as we seek to minister to the Karamojong through the new pre-school.
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