So thankful for so many things!
I am thankful for my health, especially since I haven't been feeling well this week. Being back to normal energy levels and pain-free is wonderful!
I learned how to say, "He is risen" "He is risen Indeed!"
In Karimojong you say, "Ayaru Yesu" "Ayaru inges Kire!"
"Lord Jesus" "Ekapolon a Yesu"
I'm also very thankful for a connection to the internet so I can post this blog. I know that many of you are praying for me, so let me take some time to update you on our ministries here so you can pray with understanding.
Moru a Grace Preschool
The preschool is going along wonderfully. We are hiring more teachers so that we can continue other outreaches, but the first thing I did when I got here was start working with the preschoolers, and they are probably my favorite.
I'm not sure if I ever posted the specifics of what we are doing, so I'll try and give you an overview.
In the morning, we greet the children, sing some songs, most of which I now have memorized. Unfortunately, part of the reason is that the children love to sing the same songs, and if we let them pick them all, we'd sing the same ones about Noah, Abraham, and loving your neighbor. All three are in Karamojong, but they are very similar to the ones we sang in Bible School in the states. Someday I'll see if I can get a video of them posted on here! They love to jump and smile while they sing!
Well, that level of detail is just not good for an overview, so I'll try and be more concise, but it's hard when I have so many good stories!
After a Bible story told by our Headmaster Tete George, we split the children by ability, and break into groups for letters, numbers, and outside games. I love the way they are so excited for their turn to put the date up on our class calendar; their little hands shoot up, and they say, "Ayong, Ayong!" which means, "Me, Me!
I also love getting to work with our Karamojong co-teachers. In the seven months I've been here, I've gotten to know these ladies, and they are wonderful. They are strong, faithful, and their joy is often clearer than my own. I usually begin the morning teaching the lesson, and by the end, they are often comfortable enough to teach the next group with some small assistance from me. The goal is for each of them to become confident, skilled teachers, so please pray they would continue to learn and grow!
How's this for a teaser, in my next post, I'll talk about how the children play soccer and how they liked flying my kite!
Shepherd Boys Classes
In Moru Asia (pronounced ah-thee-ah) they are meeting every morning before the boys take their animals our of the compound for the day. They are working on similar subjects as the preschoolers, because there is not a culture of literacy here, and most of them have no formal school experience. They range in age from about 7 to about 13, and they average over a dozen in attendance. There are very few things written in their language, mostly the Bible and some school books. So we are exposing them to books, letters, math, and other subjects slowly but surely. They are very clever and they pick things up quickly, so they are moving pretty fast.
Babysitter Girls Classes
In the afternoons, when the preschoolers have gone home, we have a class for about a dozen girls who are too busy in their homes to go to school. They are either working like their moms, tending children and cooking meals, or they are hired out to other homes. They haven't had much school experience, and they can be shy, but they have become more comfortable and they are able to understand much more quickly than the preschoolers, because they are older and more focused. We use a set up that is similar to the morning, but with less playing and puzzles, and other subjects like science and health sometimes included. They also really enjoy hearing stories told!
Well, 'til next time!
There's always more to tell, but for now I'll sign off and just say thanks for everything.
If you read all the way to the bottom of this crazy long post, please let me know what you think~
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