Saturday, February 8, 2014

Language Lessons

Daily Lessons

Some of you have asked me how my language study is going, and I know many of you are praying for me to have diligence and success in this endeavor. I have been so blessed by my study of this language, and I am making progress, slowly but surely. Please pray primarily for continued willingness to sound ridiculous in order to gain fluency, and patience for those I am speaking with as they correct my awkward attempts.


My favorite thing I learned today is how to ask nicely! "Kingarakinae" means "Help me" but if I add "robo" I can use it to ask the teachers to help with something, instead of how it sounds when I am telling the children to do it.

Uncorrected Homework Assignment

I'd like to update you by posting my latest homework assignment. Today we worked on conjugating the past tense of several different verbs, starting with 'go'. My task was to write 5 sentences using some of the words we learned today.

Aponio iwon tolotoi Namalu ka Alakara Akidoun a Yesu.

Apotu ikes kiwara ecaka losikul.

Abu ayong olimok ngidwe daadang tolomutu tooma ka tolemutu ngiboro abolya.

Aponio isua  togyelai apukado ngitomon ka atap akwar.

Aponio isua kiboikinete kamukeke kakitatam losikul.

Translation Attempt

We went, without you, to Namalu for Christmas.

They searched for chalk at school

I told all the children to come inside and pick up the things for playing.

We bought 10 avocados for dinner tonight.

We sat on the mat for teaching at school.

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